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Kahla Bullemor

Sponsored Athlete Profile

Name Ms Kahla Bullemor
Federation IFBB Pro
Division Women’s Bodybuilding
Height 163cm
Weight 67kg (Comp) - 73kg (off-season)
Age 44
Profession Sales Manager – PSI Distribution, IFBB Professional Bodybuilder

About Me

From very early on in my life, I always loved weight training and the body building culture and environment. The competitive side of the sport was always in the back of my mind, although more a dream than reality. Being centre of attention is not who I portray myself to be. Although competing to me is presenting a masterpiece of a creative piece of work which has been finely tuned day in and day out 24/7, and to give respect and support to the sport which I love.

In 2003, I was based in Townsville as a Service Police Investigator with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). I was introduced to Jason Harrison, who was a personal trainer and former Mr. Australia. Jason convinced me to do my first show in Northern Queensland in 2003 and surprisingly I won. We then entered the INBA State titles that same year where I placed first in women’s bodybuilding. This was the commencement of my career.

In January 2006, I relocated back to Brisbane with the Military and felt the urge to compete again and sought the coaching services of Jon Davie and Jo Rogers for my posing choreography, bikini’s and overall stage presentation coaching. 2006 turned out to be a massive year winning the INBA State and National titles, then went on to place second in the INBA Natural Olympia World titles.

In 2008 I had two shoulder reconstructions, my right shoulder was reconstructed in January and my left shoulder in May. At the end of 2008, Jon and I recommenced our preparation for the 2009 IFBB shows, where I won the Qld and National titles in the Women’s Bodybuilding division. After these victories I had thoughts of turning professional, but was informed that I would need to win another National title to be considered. In 2010 I added about 4-5kg of muscle and won the IFBB State and National titles again. It was after this successful year Tony Doherty nominated me for my pro card which was accepted by Jim Manion.

Around the time I was granted my pro card, there was talk of the introduction of a new division called Women’s Physique. Being that I am one of the smallest competitors and that my conditioning has always been a strength, Tony, Jon and I all thought that I would best be suited to this new Physique division. In 2011, Women’s Physique was being rolled out at the amateur level and had yet to be introduced in the professional league. As I started looking at the physiques of those competing I began to realise that this particular type of physique was not the one that I aspired to. The competitors had a softer look, whereas I had become known for my conditioning and didn’t want to change that. Following discussions with Jon, I decided that I wanted to compete in bodybuilding and took another year off to gain quality lean mass.

It dawned on me that if I were to compete against these girls overseas I was to expand my knowledge and depth of nutrition and training and starting researching overseas coaches, who had the experience working with those girls I would competing against. I commenced research into a number of coaches and studied their coaching styles, their thoughts on nutrition and the one name that stood out to me was Milos Sarcev. Milos and I then commenced working together in August 2013, who led me into my Pro Debut at the Wings of Strength - Tampa Pro Show, Florida, 2014.

I don’t have a lot of time to relax as I only have one day off a week from the gym and even on that day I still do cardio. I love watching my training DVD’s and I am a firm believer in personal development, so I spend quality time researching literature on the subjects of positive thinking. I love spending time at the beach – that sensation of freedom when I am on the beach is priceless. And although it doesn’t happen often, I really enjoy catching up with my family and my very small network of dear friends.

When I step foot into the gym, my internal switch is flicked. This is my time, my happy place and the place where I honestly feel all my dreams come true. I can’t even begin to describe the feeling training gives me. I am very much known for being in my own world, it’s my ‘Kahla Zone’ – nothing bad is in this place. I switch on and this is the happiest, most enjoyable time of my day. I absolutely love training.

Like everyone, I do get very tired. Being a perfectionist I do beat myself up when I do have a great workout. It has taken time for me to conquer those demons that not every work out is going to be your best and that’s the only down side of training I can think of. The reality is I don’t have a lot of time for anything else, however I am happy with this choice. If this is what it takes to conquer my dreams, then that is what must be done and I love every moment of those challenges.

Due to the fact there is no spare time during the week, I feel it’s essential to be prepared. It is important for me to set one day aside on the weekend to get my house in order, do my grocery shopping, food preparation, emails, etc. for the week ahead.

The plan for 2016

I commenced working with Hidetada Yamagishi in September 2015. We plan to compete in early June 2016, at the Wings of Strength - Omaha and Toronto Pro Shows, with the vision to qualify for the Wings of Strength World Championships in August 2016. I hope to go overseas to train with Hidetada for a period prior to my shows, as I did with Milos in Serbia in 2014.

Contest History

2014: IFBB Tampa Pro, Women’s Bodybuilding, 4th
2010: IFBB Queensland Championships, Women’s Open Bodybuilding, 1st
2010: IFBB Australian Championships, Women’s Open Bodybuilding, 1st
2010: IFBB Australian Championships, Women’s Overall Bodybuilding Champion
2010: Issued IFBB Pro Card
2009: IFBB Queensland Championships, Women’s Open Bodybuilding, 1st
2009: IFBB Australian Championships, Women’s Open Bodybuilding, 1st
2009: IFBB Australian Championships, Women’s Overall Bodybuilding Champion
2006: INBA Queensland Championships, Women’s Short Class Bodybuilding, 1st
2006: INBA Queensland Championships, Women’s Overall Bodybuilding Champion
2006: WNSO/ANB Queensland State Titles, Women’s Bodybuilding (under 52 kg), 3rd
2006: INBA, Australian Championships, Women’s Short Class Bodybuilding, 1st
2006: INBA, Australian Championships, Women’s Overall Bodybuilding Champion
2006: INBA Natural Olympia World Titles, Women’s Short Class Bodybuilding, 2nd
2003: North Queensland, Championships, Women’s Open Bodybuilding, 1st
2003: INBA Queensland Championships, Women’s Short Class Bodybuilding, 1st

Career Highlights

Pro card in 2010, and 4th placing at pro debut, Tampa Florida 2014.

Favourite Body Part to Train


Favourite Cheat Foods

My favourite cheat meal (if you can even call it a cheat meal) is:

Ben & Jerry’s.

Things you may not know about me

I am absolutely petrified of being on stage and having everyone’s eyes on me

I am very much an introvert, shy and afraid to ask questions of those well regarded in our sport

I am still very much in awe of those I compete against, I still don’t feel I have earned the right to be sharing the stage with those I have watched for inspiration over the years (this keeps me grounded and fighting for greater things in life and my career)

Every night when I go to bed, I analyze my day and try to think of more ways that I can improve to be a better person and athlete

If my daily routine is thrown out in any way, I am like an anxiety fire cracker lol... (I don’t handle change well)

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