Personal Fittings
These are conducted by appointment only at the Style on Stage studio.
Please email me at to arrange a day and time that is suitable to you both.
Interstate Fittings
On occassion, Jo will be travelling interstate or overseas for seminars, competitions and posing and choreography sessions. Time will always be made for bikini or posing suit fittings. Dates will be posted here, on the 'news' page as well as the "Style on Stage" group on Facebook and the newly set up "Style on Stage" blog
Online Fittings
The majority of Jo's clients deal with her online for their bikini fittings. She is able to successfully estimate your final size even when suits are ordered months out from a show.
With a bare minimum of measurements and a couple of photos Jo will work out the best shape and size for your body type.
Measurements Needed
Height - needed for length of pants and top
Weight - both off season and comp weight (if you have competed previously)
Bust - natural or implants as well as size
Photos - pictures either on stage or in something brief to evaluate structure and shape
Also, please let Jo know if you have any 'issues' that need addressing; scars, loose skin, stretch marks. It is important for you to feel comfortable on stage in your suit and she aims to ensure you are covered where you need to be covered.
Please feel free to email Jo at with any questions or concerns you may have about your order.